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Families – a survey
This is a simple survey of some of the Norwegian families who emigrated to the Murman coast and who we meet in the exhibition. The survey is not comprehensive, it is included to document that the immigrants to Murman originally came from other places in Norway and Finland. The survey also shows that many intermarriages took place between Norwegian families, and between Norwegians and Finns.
More families are listed in Morten Jentofts book “De som dro østover” (2001)/(Those who went east.) In the book there is a list of the people who were deported from Tsypnavolok in the summer 1940. In addition there is the list of the inhabitants of the colonies, transcribed from Finnish church records, made by the Lutheran priests from 1880 to 1917. (A further list compiled by Matti Hinkula and cited in an article by Samuli Onnela (1973), Terje Tetmo and Morten Jentoft, also documents more names.)